Coach Lucao

Lucas holds a Bachelor degree of Physical Education and over 14 years of experience as a trainer.

Coaching CrossFit and Functional Fitness since 2012, Lucas is one of the few CrossFit coaches to have earned a level 3 designation, along with a wide variety of other CrossFit related certifications.

Being a coach is his passion and helping people to achive their goals is what fuels him.

Lead coach for the Burgener Strength Course, CrossFit’s preferred Olympic lifting certification, Lucas has been leading the program in Canada.

As a former elite javelin thrower, Lucas learned how to do Olympic lift early on. Once he discovered CrossFit, Olympic lifting quickly became his niche, due to his experience with it. Throughout his career, Lucas has a deep passion for coaching people of all levels and helping them improve their movement quality, health and fitness.

To find out more about Lucas, follow him on Instagram @coachlucao.

For upcoming Burgener Strengh courses click here.

For personal coaching click here.